Friday, September 17, 2010

Brave Heart

I made an observation today that was kind of interesting.  For years, I thought that bravery was something akin to mind over matter.  That you could talk yourself out of your fears. Along with some influence or power of persons or things to be a compelling force and produce effects on your actions, behavior or opinions (read 'manipulation'), it is possible to tread where no man dares to tread.  I agree that you have to wrap your head around whatever calls for bravery, but I now realize that without passion for your convictions, what may appear as bravery is simply posturing.

It is easy to use your position or role to exhibit bravado or if you are compelled to act on your fears, but without believing with your whole heart that what you need or want to do is something meaningul to you, make a difference in your life or in the lives of others, I believe that your actions are solely for the purpose of perception and nothing more.

The belief part is the impetus of moving ahead, even with the full realization that perhaps your actions may not be perceived as favorable.  This should not matter to you when you engage your fear, for you are sure that you have used right thinking in coming to that place where you make your decision.  You trust yourself and it is important enough to you that that fear of repercussions is lost from the equation.

If we fear stoking the fires of heaven with coals from hell to start, we cannot experience growth and we will always be afraid.  It is said that it is easier to ask for forgiveness, than it is to ask for permission.  I believe that to be true, if you have applied right thought and right action before you carry on. 

So I wish you all a Brave Heart and a clear conscience.  If you live like this, you will move along your path with certainty.  After all, we are the guardians of our destinies.  We have been given life to learn, give, apply and most of all love.  Love above all things.

Well, two days in a row towards developing my blog habit.  I'm finding it a remarkable way to catalogue the credos that have developed in my 53 years of walking on this earth.  If anyone reads this, my hope for you is that it provided some food for thought.  If not, well, at least I had enough heart to put it in print.

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